Thursday, October 20, 2005

Personal power

Good Morning village!!!! Even when we have been enlightened to the Spiritual path, trusting that Creator and our guides, angels and helpers are at our side, can be overshadowed by our very human selves.  

Doubt and fear..... There are triggers for all of us that bring us away from the Truth; ego, drama, chaos, old relationships, fear, lack of self worth, insecurities....  

These things are just living in the dark half of ourselves.  

These moments are a reminder that we are still human, but now, we have spiritual solutions...Like a lantern in the cave..  

Everything seems bigger and scarier in the dark, but shed a little light on it, take back your Faith and personal power, and now it is just something to solve, to learn, to embrace, and move through...It is purposeful. (and we don't stay in the dark for so long anymore!!)  

Peace, Love and Joy......that is the litmus test for a blessed life.  

Here is the Thought for the day!!  

When we take back our power, and remember that we are Loved;

a child of the Light and Creator...

the dark is illuminated for the illusion that it is.

Marianne Goldweber

Marianne Goldweber
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Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road
Serenity Sunday class descriptions CLICK HERE

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