Monday, August 5, 2013

Retrogrades Aug 2013- what they mean and how they effect us.

Hi Villagers!

Astrology is a long studied science- and  is a great tool to understand what our natural, inherent  strengths and weaknesses are and it can be used  (like an octane booster) to align with the celestial tides in order to make changes and propelling ourselves forward.A Good place to start is by  getting your Natal- or Birth chart. It is a great tool that can  help you understand yourselves better.

Today's topic is Retrogrades in astrology
Astronomically speaking- it is an optical illusion  full of scientific reasons- but planets appear to be moving backward. When this happens Astrologically speaking- it creates 'situations' here for us humans- depending on what planet is retrograde and when. It may affect the sun sign for instance, as this month (LEO) more than others..

Every planet  has an aspect- such as Mercury- governs communication. so when Mercury is retrograde- it puts all communications into a spin- in reverse. computers- email- misunderstandings etc. This retrograde forces us to  communicate- it stirs up all of our un said issues; which can help bring it up and clear the air-  or create more misunderstanding if we don't use it effectively!

Here is a web site that can explain what each planet governs, so when we talk about aspects being retrograde- you will understand what that means better.
Some planets have a more positive influence and some negative- but all are designed to expose us to the TRUTH of who we are and our motives.

Currently there are 3 planets retrograde- Uranus- Neptune- Pluto  If you are a sign governed by those planets- such as Pisces (Neptune) Scorpio (Pluto)  and Aquarius (Uranus)- or Leo- because it is retrograde in this sign at this time. The people who have these signs are under these planet's 'influence' to a greater degree.