Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The REAL world....

The real world..
Current mood: Motivated
Category: Motivated Goals, Plans, Hopes

I have spent the holiday vacation doing all the wonderful things that I don't normally get to do.

Hang out and play with my son, play video games with him all night long, visit with friends, play cards (poker, BS and pennies) clean and purge my house, take a nap, run errands, cleaned my basement.…

But there is one thing that I indulged in during this time that was more addictive, more of a diversion, and more of a vacuum of time that anything else- and that was …the INTERNET….

Wow, it was like a drug, I lost all sense of time…

I was creating pages on MySpace and Facebook- I was looking up old clients and friends- I was reading the postings of the lost, the lonely and the bizarre…

I was adding applications that saved the rain forest- I even dressed up a little virtual dog in a pirate hat to donate money for animal rescue…I wondered what people were saying about me on "Tagged"…what presents did my friends send me? Who "bought me" as their Pet….lol

Minutes turned into hours. I realized at one point that I hadn't moved for hours..Or eaten lunch…or gone to the bathroom for that matter… I was in a vortex of illusion….

As a Pisces, this was Nirvana!!!

I am sending this blog with a Question and a Request…

How many hours do you spend diverting your life with the internet, or other things that divert your time?

Do you reach out in the community to volunteer or do random acts of kindness?

Do you belong to any groups where you have to leave the house and meet with people in person?

Can you talk to strangers while you are out and about- saying hello and how are you?

If you answered no to any of these- turn off the computer and go find something else to do..

Look for your purpose- Be of service to the less fortunate- Visit someone in a nursing home- Deliver meals to shut ins…Invite a friend to volunteer with you…Run an errand for the elderly… Volunteer at the local animal shelter.. Walk a dog for someone who can't get out…

And before you know it- you will have made new and real friends- and reconnected with your old ones in a more purpose filled way!

But for God's sake... and your own- discover the world outside your door….

Actively yours,


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