Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I had received an unexpected kindness on Sunday- after an event, I was invited to dinner on Murray Hill at an Italian restaurant...(what a treat) with the great company of some new found friends....
As I drove home- I was so grateful for that kindness. But, it was unexpected and  I was in a bit of a hurry to get home. There was a lot of traffic because of a disabled vehicle..I was mildly annoyed..
By now it was dark- and I was at E 89th  and Chester- a car was blocking the right lane ..it slowly went past  the disabled vehicle so I got a chance to see who was inside....
The elderly driver was waiving at people as they passed by- asking for help...she and her four elderly friends were dressed to the nines from church that day- complete with matching hats....
as I passed I asked if I could call the police for them- she said yes, and being in the traffic- I couldn't stop..so I went up to the next block and turned around....
No one else had pulled over- and it was dark- in not a great neighborhood...meanwhile I called the Cleveland police and they said they would send a car- when they could fit it in- I explained it was four elderly church ladies- the dispatcher chuckled and said she will do what she can...
I pulled in front of the ladies and got out of the car- I let the driver use my phone to call her son- she said she was going to walk to the gas station- I told her to stay in the car- the police were on the way...
I had to get home- but I couldn't just leave those cute well dressed Grammies in the dark- in the 'hood' and hope it all just turned out ok..
So I waited- made small talk and told her she needs a cell phone...she laughed and agreed...By then the police showed up and they said they would get her on her way....
If not for that benevolent dinner- I would have missed being in the right place at the right time.....
Kindness...Pass it on.........
Marianne Goldweber

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