Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Awakening- Messages and Messengers
For all of us- the process of awakening is just a shift in perception-
Our human perception is about the self...and the spiritual perception is outside us....
It took me a very long time to go from the human- the victim of things happening to me...to the perception that I am creating what happens to me....to how can I create what I want the world to be.....
The common denominator is me- and the thing that changed was my perception.....
Through this entire process there are backward and forward moments- a constant ebb and flow of change...three steps forward- two steps back...
I was just asleep....and the awakening is bringing the dream- the vision- into the physical world..
We are all connected-my story is your story.
We may be seperated in different bodies, or houses or countries- but we are conncted by spirit..our differences get smaller and smaller until our awakening shows us that no one, from the highest to the lowest are the same- they are all me.... and all are looking to the other for hope, love, understanding, help, peace, joy,acceptance...
The human cannot see themselves in the beggar- the abused- the ugly-the other....the spirit sees that if one is suffering- we are all suffering- it accepts and loves without condition- that the thief needs love and compassion, just as much as the good and just..
You and I are the same- your joys are my joys- your suffering is my suffering- your hopes and dreams are mine....
Seperateness creates division and disharmony...it creates apathy and lack of understanding.
Connectedness of enlightenment creates unification, understanding, and harmony.
You who have come here to this village are awakening- you are not here accidentally- there is purpose to what you are reading- understanding and being a part of...the question for each of you is why?
Why? Because you are being called-
Called to learn- and then to teach- to heal and heal others, to accept help and to be of service...
The awakening has begun.........now what?....