Monday, April 9, 2007

Soul Mates- they're not what you think...

Soul mates…….
Our soul mates are not necessarily the passionate lovers that we long for and search for in this life. Our soul mates are sometimes those souls that challenge us the most.
Those that bring us the most powerful lessons.  
Forcing us to make peace with them in this Earth walk, in order to learn more about ourselves.

They impact our lives so purposefully that they alter its course.
Good and bad
Right and wrong
Better or worse
Richer and poorer
Sickness and health
and truly Till death do us part.  

I married a guy who showed up in my life with a 1979 Harley and a bag full of clothes, back in 1988..a veteran of the Navy…and after an amazing journey, we ended our marital contract in 2001.
If you ever heard the song Desperado, by the Eagles..That's him.

No one in this life has given me such a different perspective about how to view the world, or myself. I fancied myself as a person who was spontaneous, daring, irreverent and a risk taker…until I met him.. He pushed me outside of my comfort zone….

Our first trip together across country was on a motorcycle….
He said 'No whining'..or he would put me on a plane back to Cleveland….

Here are some of the things I learned.. 

Stuff doesn't matter……you have to pack can wear the same clothes twice... and if you need it, it will appear as you go…God put Walmart and Laundromats in every state from Ohio to California…  

You don't have to shower every day…Our agreement was you get a hotel every other  night…Unless your in Wyoming, and the only town for 200 miles has a soccer tournament.. 

You can sing as loud as you want,whenever you want .I was so inspired by the song America, that when I saw the mountains (Colorado), and the prairies (South Dakota) and the waving grain (Kansas)  I just had to burst out in song….oh, and the person up front can't hear you.. 

Never take the dotted road on the map..even if it is a shortcut…Free range cows are territorial…Bulls are mean. 

People are nice..helpful and kind..Every grandfather and grandmother across our country has a story if you are willing to listen…. 

We need each other…thank God for the kindness of strangers and each other. 

You can sleep sitting up while on a motorcycle…..there's not a lot of things to see from th
e highway in Kansas.. 

Love means compromise… need I say more? 

Bathrooms are a luxury- Pack toilet paper, always.. I had the last laugh…  

I'm not as tough as I thought- I get crabby when I don't eat, and I do whine on occasion..  
You don't have to sweat to get dehydrated- who knew? I'm from Ohio  

A herd of Buffalo sound like thunder when they run, and they are HUGE.

It rains once every 9 months in southern Arizona- and it will do it when you are camping..  

Pioneers were amazing- How did they get covered wagons over the Rocky Mountains without roads?  

Our Native Peoples are suffering- visit any reservation.

There really are such things as Roadrunners  

When there are no city lights you can touch the stars-  

We spend too much time being critical, and take each other for granted.  

I dedicate this thought for the day to my soul mate,
Who is still a reminder of Who I was,
 Who I have become,
And who I am yet to be.
Thank you.  

Here is the thought for the day….  

The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own.
No apologies or excuses
No one to lean on, rely on, or blame.
The gift is yours
- it is an amazing journey -
and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.
This is the day your life really begins.

Author Unknown
But Greatly Appreciated!


Thursday, April 5, 2007

who am I to be ...........

Some days, I ask myself...
Who am I....
to be a messenger of Peace, or Love, or Service...
I have no special credentials...I am not famous...or powerful......
Then my higher inner voice asks.......
Why not you?
Many prophets and messengers have come from humble lives, awakened to a life of Service..
who's very existence has changed the course of history...
and I am but a mirror for others....
For God,
For Christ,
For Buddha,
For Black Elk,
for Mother Theresa,
For Dr Martin Luther King,
For Gandhi,
For Nelson Mandela and many others....
Who in living their message have suffered ridicule, judgment,  and scrutiny....
and for some,  paid the ultimate price.....
with their life......
It may have silenced their words, but it did not stop the ripple that their existence created..
And I have the power to pick up the torch and light the light that fire within myself and others.
So I ask you....
Why not you?.........
Here is the thought for the day
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that frightens us.

We ask ourselves 'who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?'
Actually, who are you not to be?
Your are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Marianne Williamson

Marianne Goldweber

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Spiritual Warriors- Our weapon is Love.

In the practice of any Spiritual path, the higher message is Love.

In our pursuit of enlightenment, it requires that we apply all that we have read and learned, on a daily basis in the unenlightened world..

This no easy task...three steps forward, two steps

Most of us have evolved from a place of ignorance.

In speaking a message of Love Peace and Joy through our actions you will come face to face with ignorance.

Websters defines ignorance as; 
Function: adjective
Pronunciation: 'ig-n(&-)r&nt
1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society> ; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>
2 :

Ignorance in action is a dangerous thing. Ignorance has many symptoms; arogance,bullying, intolerance, hate, slander, and judgement, gossip, lies- just to name a few.

Taking a stand, means not compromising yourself. Speaking your truth and being an emissary of Love can chase people away, but there will be those that will be drawn to you and come to respect what you represent- even if they never tell you..

In order to bring Peace..We must be Warriors of Tolerance and Love. We must lead by example...

Speaking up with Love against gossip, or hate, judgement or lies is required to take the power from ignorance.

Don't judge the ignorant, shine a light on their darkness not for yourself, but for the timid and weak that are watching......

Here is the thought for the day

"The world is a dangerous place to live; 

not because of the people who are evil,

but because of the people who don't do anything about it."  
Albert Einstein 

Marianne Goldweber

Monday, April 2, 2007

My Soul is "On Assignment"

The difference between being human and remembering that we are actually Spirits having a human experience is;
As humans, we love control, we feel that we are in total control of everything that is happening- when it happens- and to whom it will
Being a human who knows that they are a soul that is "on assignment" -is that we see that there is a current, that there is a reason for where we are at any given time and what happens is really about lessons for everyone involved, including ourselves..
As Spirit we see the outcome as  "just what it is".
We are less attached to "making things happen" and become more an observer as to "why is this happening?"
I always say, as humans we meet resistance and "try harder"...but with our spiritual eye we need to see meeting difficulty as the Universe saying "time to let go" you're in the way of what needs to be...
We are in the time of year that is governed by Hawk...
Rise higher, look at the resistance to your pushing as  the Universe telling you to- 
 let go....go with the flow....let go and let god.....or whatever little reminder that will bring you into a peaceful place of surrendering your human need to control the outcome..
It will be a relief and bring peace....Trust me :)
Here is the thought for the day:

Serenity Prayer: In it's entirety.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next. Amen.

Serenity Prayer: What does it mean?
This beautiful prayer was written by a man named Reinhold Niebuhr in 1943. The words have special meaning to those who are often “looking for peace” at a time of turmoil, despair, or uncertainty in their lives. This prayer has become closely associated with 12 Step programs, offering strength and calm in pursuit of a more stable life.

Marianne Goldweber