Thursday, April 29, 2010

I got up this morning with a lot on my mind. I was having a difficult time surrendering it to the Will of the Supreme. This is where I always say "We say we have Faith- but to 'have faith' and 'apply it' to everyday situations are very different". My human ego wants to manage and manipulate, even thought I know that the Divine plan is a better plan than I could have ever come up with.
I prayed.  I resolved myself, surrendered my need to control  and was at peace with allowing the Divine to give me what I needed today...

I turned on the television and there was a televangelist on. I know a message when I see it and lord knows that I would surely discount the message because of the messenger in the past- so it HAD to be a televangelist that I actually

I can hear my guides on the other side..."Who would be the best human messenger  in this moment to confirm the message for Marianne???"
It was Joyce Meyers...I like her, she reminds me of myself.....

She was talking about the accountability of surrender, to pick up the 'cross' (accept the challenge) and get moving. The rest is not up to you, surrender to the Will of God. Be the vessel. 
Our job is to clean the vessel and get it ready for what God wants in our lives...

Thank you Joyce,
Thank you Universe-
I'm listening,  I really

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Seperation- leaving the Fourth world

When we used to live in villages, there was a need for interdependency for survival.

Now we live in communities and cities that are so vast- that our interdependence is almost unnoticed. We've gone from tribal counsels of wise elders to public officials. The bigger these communities become- the more separate the people become from the responsibility to the whole.
A breach has been created between the people and the leaders- where corruption has infiltrated and the people  cannot  be heard in order to effect change.

The people became distracted by the addiction of  their want, their need, and don't see themselves as a part of the greater whole. Greed, isolation and material  wealth has overshadowed the need for Connectedness to each other and the responsibility of each  individual to make the community thrive.

There is a separateness between those with wealth and education, and those in poverty and ignorance..
This is the Fourth world of separation.

It is coming to an end.
So what must happen to destroy this illusion in order for the Fifth world of Peace to arrive?
This is the pivotal question.
It is already being felt. it has already begun.

The Fifth world of Peace rejoins the people with the Earth- with the Source of all there is- with each longer will we be separate- but as with all change and transition- it requires a 'death'. Not necessarily in the Apocalyptic sense- but the longer we try to keep things the way they are as they struggle to die- that is where the pain and angst will be felt. The things that are dying are the ways of thinking and the lie we have been told.
the lie that we financed and paid for so dearly. We have to work 2 jobs and put our children in the care of strangers so we can make enough to pay for it all...

Enter The Fifth World of Peace.....

We are being called by an inner knowing to conncet to the Divine. The Spiritual awakening has begun, and many are in search for the meaning of Life- their Purpose and their connection to the Divine- in whatever form they choose.,
We are disinchanted with matierial  acquirements and come to honor what we have that is useful and meaningful. No more hoarding.
We long for Peace, and the simplicity of life.
We are searching for others like ourselves, who want to create a better world for our children, where hate and greed and ignorance are a thing of the past.
We are seeking to create community- where we can serve and be understood and accepted; Where each of us is responsible to ourselves and to each other.
Where Love, Compassion and Joy overcome hate, judgment and misery.
We are being called to heal our Mother- the Earth- life bringer- sustainer of us all.

As the pinnace year of 2012 approaches- we will see that keeping the illusion of what our society has become will be a waste of time. The gluttony and hedonism will die- and those who serve that master in their addiction will be sadly awakened.

We are learning- slowly- that less is more and we will learn to be less dependent on the illusion of wealth- and become rich in a more profound way. Not indebted to create a feeling of illusion of having....But  understanding that we are never without. That everything we need is provided- through effort, accountability and faith. That if I have and another does not- we have failed.

Redefining wealth as those who love us and those we love- including our neighbors and those we meet on the street. Time- not to fill with addiction, diversion and worry- but peace of mind to enjoy the simplicity of our lives and those in it.

What will you create as the world changes?

Find your Tribe