Thursday, May 21, 2009

This Road called Life.........

There is no destination on this Road.
It is constant awakening, and reawakening,
discovery after discovery.
Awakening is like waking up after a long nap
and feeling like you have been sleeping your life away;
caught in the mundane rituals of living.
The learning process on this road is never finished.
There is no Master degree, there is no certification.
There is only the point where we Cross over
to the Blue Road of Spirit
and look upon this life
and see the beauty and magnificence
of it in the Great Web;
Of the lessons learned,
and the Lives touched.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Two wolves- Our greatest teachers

There is a Cherokee poem that refers to two teachers- represented by wolf.
Wolf is the totem animal for teacher- or a teaching.

I always stress that everyone that comes into our journey is sent to teach us about ourselves. Some of these encounters are wonderful and pleasant and some are painful and difficult.

These are the people and situations that teach us the most.

I have had many teachers that have appeared on my journey but one in particular has challenged me to the core of my being. This individual challenges me to search within myself for a solution based not in anger,punishment and revenge; but in understanding, peace and love.. This is where my human/spirit struggle ensues and I have to take everything I have learned on my journey to awakening and apply it here.

It is an internal tug of war- an angel on one shoulder whispering love and the demon on the other whispering hate.

We all have such a teacher- and if you don't you will- these teachers are sent periodically to see if you are healing - if you are walking your talk- to remind you that you are human and evolution is a constant process.

So- I have two wolves in my heart- which one will win?

The one I feed.

Here is the thought for the day-

Two Wolves

An old Cherokee chief is teaching his grandson about life:

"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

"One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.

"The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope,
serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

"This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old chief simply replied, "The one you feed."

Monday, May 11, 2009

Relationship Building

Change begins with me!
Let's get invested!

When we're in a relationship, whether it's a marriage, a relationship with our children, career or job; we can get caught in the familiarity, and start to take it for granted.
We don't tend to it with the same vigor as when it was new.
Eventually we may find ourselves criticizing our relationship, and the people in it.

Any relationship is like a plant, it needs attention, investment, love, nurturing.

We usually become aware of our own lack of these elements first.
Waiting for these things to be done for us.
If they aren't,we become critical, and begin to withdraw, "separating" ourselves emotionally; looking for reasons to confirm our feelings.

We become a victim.

Lets change our perspective; if we aren't having these things done for us, it also means that we're probably not doing them for the others in our relationships.

We have also taken the situation for granted, we may not be fully invested or loyal.

Since most of you are at work, lets start with that relationship.then You can then try this at home, with kids, wife, husband,or partner later.

First, write down the things that we are dissatisfied with (I'm sure that will be hard!).

Are YOU doing all of these things for the others in your space, unconditionally?

Next, lets change perspective;How are you contributing to this?

Be honest.

Do you have a bad attitude or passive aggressive with you're boss or coworkers?

Are you negative, or usually complaining?

Do you turn in projects in the nick of time? Or procrastinate, scrambling to complete them?

Does everyone know you are unhappy?

Do you work through lunch, work long hours hoping someone will notice your dedication;
as you suffer, silently fuming?

Have you stopped getting dressed up, or stopped putting your best foot forward?

Are you coming in late?

Do you gossip?

This is sabotage, it is destructive. Not only to your own situation, but it spreads your unhappiness like a virus to everyone you "share" it with.

Do you have clear dialogs about your issues/conflicts with the person directly, or do you tell everyone but them?

Lack of Loyalty can be the undoing of any relationship.

It can be the unraveling of any business and can cost jobs.

People and companies can't change what they are doing if they don't know it is an issue.

Clear communication, mature dialog, taking ownership, and apologizing can clear the air.

Let's get honest, and be invested by keeping a positive attitude and speaking our truth.

Maybe we've just not been part of the team. Or, if after setting boundaries, and doing our personal best we are not satisfied, then maybe it is time to find something that will bring you joy.

You can't change people or businesses, get invested and see if it changes.
Find a place that brings you fulfillment.

From the Janitor, to the CEO; we all want validation, appreciation and thoughtfulness.
When we get it, we are willing to give it...
No one wants to do a good job when they aren't appreciated.

You go first and start a chain reaction.

Oh and by the way, feel free to share this with your coworkers.

Have an Awesome Day!

Here is the thought for the day!

The Guy in the Glass by Dale Wimbrow

When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say.

For it isn't your Father or Mother or wife
Whose judgement upon you must pass.
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.

Some people may call you a straight shooting chum
And call you a wonderful guy,
but the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.

He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest
For he's with you clear to the end,
And you have passed your most dangerous test
If the man in the glass is your friend.

You may face the whole world down the pathway of life
And get pats on the back when you pass,
But your final reward will be heartache and strife
If you've cheated the man in the glass.

- Dale Wimbrow, 1895-1954

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother the same accross the world

Etymologgy states the word Mother means:
English mother and Latin mater and many similar maternal words contain the worldwide etymon ma ‘breast’ + ter an Indo-European agent suffix, so that the etymological meaning of the word mother is ‘breast-feeder.’

As this word implies- Mother is the source for nourishment- a self sustaining food source. Mother is not only the source for physical nourishment- but psychological and spiritual as well.
She is the channel for nurturing, care taking and connection to the Divine.

I share with you a Mothers day writing.


Mothering begins at birth-
In a moment of contrasts
The movement inside gone;a death.
But an indescribable celebration;
a new life at the breast
while the womb contracts and mourns it's loss.

The life sustaining umbilical cord severed;
but there will always be a cord that will never be cut.

I will continue to nourish you in a different way
from near or far
I will always know.

I am Mother;
Life bringer
Shape shifter
and Prophesier

I am the wellspring;
for any and all that thirst or need fed.

I fill my cup from an inexhaustible source;
I am love and comfort
I am patience and truth
I am encouragement and strength
I am Faith.
and give you my cup to slake your thirst.
Marianne Goldweber

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mother's Day 2009- The Sisterhood

Websters defines the word Mother in a number of ways- but my favorite is
"Source or origin".
The Female part of the Creative force is a fertile place where life springs from.

The mother represents the source of life-
Mother is the nurturing place we return to feel loved, and understood.
Mother is the lap we put our head and lay our fears.
Mother is where we go to ease our pain.

Being born female is a great responsibility- first to ourselves and then for others. We are the creative force- the fertile ground that nourishes and gives birth.
We are the breast from which everyone drinks.

The strength of this feminine force is divine.

The pain associated with our cycles and birthing is a rite of passage that represents acceptance of one's own pain and suffering as a means of spiritual purification and growth. Being a mother is not just the physical act of birthing- It is a celebration of the female creative force.

Giving birth signifies the time of "becoming"- that we are now responsible for another person and their well being and growth.

I am blessed to have given birth. It was a life changing event for me- it was also a life changing experience for my son's father. He witnessed a strength that came from the depths of human instinct. It was also something that he could never do.
It changed our relationship, something that I don't believe either of us expected.

Giving birth awoke in me an inner strength and resolve that I did not know I had.
It is now the litmus that I hold all other life challenges up to.

There was no quitting- there was no giving up- another life depended on me to "labor" and bring them into this world or they would die.
Motherhood is was the most responsibility I have ever taken in my life.

What I have come to find is that my monthly suffering and labor prepared me for other kinds of pain that being a mother bring;
The pain of having to allow my child to have his own thoughts and feelings.
His own aspirations that don't include me.It was the pain of their illness- where you feel alone and helpless.It was the pain of watching them fall- and letting it happen.It was the pain of watching them be hurt by the cruelty of people and the world; and encouraging them to rise.

It is summoning the courage to fight for them, to champion them - to defend them.
To change the world for their sake and to allow them to leave in order to take our love forward as they begin their own journey....

So in this celebration of Mothers Day-honor the anniversary of your Rite of passage- Celebrate all the things that being a Mother represent.
When you meet another Mother- remind her of her courage and her strength- because our experiences bind us all together in this sisterhood of Mother.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Self Check- Mirror Mirror on the wall.......

The first principle I learned in my spiritual awakening that lead to my recovery
from co-dependence was to 'go first' and 'focus on my own growth only'.
Sounds simple enough...right!

A native American Teacher of mine had sent me out to 'observe' for a week, the
things and people that crossed my path.

Then return with the results.

So being a judgmental, co-dependent control freak...I was excited to get the
opportunity to observe who and what came into the path of my ever present
critical eye...I was writing things down like a mad woman....

I was in a restaurant and there was a woman at the next table who was loud and
abrasive- she was running over her friend and interrupted to 'one up'; her with
a bigger and better story.. I was annoyed- and felt angry at her..
How Rude! I thought.

I then observed a man bullying a woman at the gas station. I thought he was an
egomaniac- and was using his energy to overpower her.....and HER what's wrong with her????
Why didn't she see that this was not ok? Were was her backbone?
She just stood there and cried, like a victim. Where was her self respect????

After a week of these observations- my teacher asked me to write down all of the critical things I had observed.

I was very proud-

1. arrogance
2. abrasiveness
3. loud and overbearing
4. know it all
5. victim
6. bully
7. interrupter
8. bad listener
9. lack of self respect
10. (my favorite) bitch.

Then he asked me to write down the beautiful things I had observed..
Beautiful things? I had not written any beautiful things.

He then told me to write 'I AM' in front of all the criticisms.


He then went on to explain that the Great Mystery -Creator- had sent all of those people as messengers- so I could get a look at myself in the Smoking Mirror of Illusion of Self..

I was horrified.

He said the reason I could not write about anything beautiful is because I could not acknowledge anything beautiful about myself..

This exercise changed my life.

We are all but a mirror for each other. I stopped wanting to fix others because I was now too busy fixing those flaws in myself. Frankly I didn't want to look in that mirror any more than I had

I began looking for the beautiful things in others and began to truly accept the beautiful things I had not cultivated in myself because of my negative attitude and low self esteem.

My intense judgment soon turned to compassion. I now knew myself- and then could find compassion for my brothers and sisters who were suffering, like me- not so long ago. Not trying to fix them-but understanding that they too are receiving messengers like myself when they were ready they would see. I wasn't my job to interfere in their journey or their lessons.I had enough work of my own to do.

I then understood what Gandhi meant by-"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

I have made it my life mission to be the best mirror I can be to the world.

But there is always work to do ;)
