Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Christmas angel..a parable....

The Christmas Angel

My 12 year old son wrote this for his English class...

The Christmas Angel
It was Christmas Eve, and God was looking at the Earth. He saw horrible things. He saw that the people were selfish and greedy. They were cutting down the forests, and they were killing the animals for fun. God was very disappointed with the humans and flooded the Earth before. Maybe he needed to do that again.

God called a meeting with every single angel in Heaven. He said, "I have been thinking about allowing a fire to destroy the Earth." "I have many angels down there to wake the people up, but they won't listen. They are selfish and busy with being greedy. There is no Peace or Love." said God.

One of the Angels stepped up, his name was Chamuel- he was the angel of Tolerance. He said "There are many people trying to help the Earth but are having a hard time because they don't want to listen. "I know that change is coming, if we could just give them more time." said Chamuel. Then God said, "Chamuel, if you can find 3 people that are kind ,loving and giving in 12 hours, I will help the people save the Earth. " Chamuel said ok, and God made him a homeless man, like many of the other angels he sent before, and put him on Earth.

God put Chamuel in front of a mall in Michigan. He was wearing an old brown shirt, torn jeans and tennis shoes- or at least he thought they were tennis shoes because they were held together with duct tape. He had no socks, hat, or gloves and his coat was filthy. He saw himself on the window at Sears, he looked pretty bad. He started walking around asking for money. Everyone he went up to said "No!". Some of them said "Get away freak", "Get a job", "You stink". Some ignored him. "Maybe God was right" Chamuel thought. Just then, a man came up to him and said "Here's a sandwich" and gave him the brown paper bag, and a twenty dollar bill. Chamuel thanked him as the man scurried to work. "Yes! One down, two to go and I still have nine hours left" said Chamuel. Just then the security guard grabbed him and told him to get out of there.

Chamuel walked and walked for a long time until he found a park. There were kids playing in the snow. They were sledding and having a fun time. He sat on the bench to eat the sandwich the man had given him, when he heard a crash of breaking ice and a kid yelling for help. Chamuel ran over to the pond where the kid fell in, he jumped in and pulled him to safety. Just then, the boy's mother came running over yelling at Chamuel, asking what he did to her son. He tried to tell her that he sledded into the pond, but she was screaming for help. It just so happened that a policeman was driving by, and he stopped, hearing the woman yelling. Chamuel was frozen and wet. He explained to the policeman, but he put him in the police car anyway. The officer gave him his coffee and his gloves, and a blanket from the trunk. He told Chamuel "You better go to the hospital; you might have hypothermia and frostbite." The policeman said he would drive him there. "See God, I told you there is Love here" Chamuel prayed. One to go, but he had less than an hour left.

He got to the hospital emergency room and went up to the nurse at the desk. He waited but she ignored him, then she looked up and asked him if he had money to pay. He said "No, I don't" She was rude and said "Wait over there with the others" and pointed over to a group of homeless and poor looking people who were waiting too.

He sat down, and saw a man on a stretcher off to the side in a hallway. He looked like someone he knew. Chamuel got up and went over to him. He was very old and homeless too. He knew this man! He was Ezekiel, an angel messenger sent here by God, a long time ago. Ezekiel was dying. He was getting ready to go back to Heaven. Chamuel said "Ezekiel, is that you?" Ezekiel said, "Chamuel, my old friend, I failed my mission, I could not get people to understand. Now I am old and my time here is done." Chamuel said, "You did your best," and while holding his hand, Ezekiel died. Chamuel cried, for his friend and for the people of Earth. His time too was short; he had just 15 minutes left.

As Chamuel went back to the waiting area a small boy came up to him, he had a small bunch of flowers. The little boy handed him a tissue for his still watery eyes. He asked, "Was that your friend?" Chamuel said "Yes, what is your name?" He said, "My name is Joshua, My mom has cancer. I'm waiting while she has her treatment. Sometimes I get sad too, because I'm afraid she is going to die." A nurse pushing a woman in a wheel chair came over. Joshua said "Hi Mom!" this is my friend. She shook the Angel's hand, and said "I'm Jenny, it's nice to meet you." As Chamuel shook her hand, she felt tingly all over. Her son was the third and final person,that through his kindness and Love saved the Earth.

Chamuel gave Jenny and her son Joshua an amazing gift that Christmas Eve, he healed her Cancer. Chamuel let go of her hand and said "It's my pleasure to meet both of you too. I'm sorry, but I have to go, Merry Christmas!"

Chamuel walked to the elevator.He got to the elevator and there was Ezekiel already there. "Ready to go?" said Ezekiel. "Ready to go." said Chamuel. They pushed the very top button that only the angels can see, and when the doors opened they stepped into the light of Heaven.

The End.

"Continue to love on another, with true brotherly love, don't forget to be kind to strangers for some who have done this entertained angels without realizing it." Hebrews 13:2

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The REAL world....

The real world..
Current mood: Motivated
Category: Motivated Goals, Plans, Hopes

I have spent the holiday vacation doing all the wonderful things that I don't normally get to do.

Hang out and play with my son, play video games with him all night long, visit with friends, play cards (poker, BS and pennies) clean and purge my house, take a nap, run errands, cleaned my basement.…

But there is one thing that I indulged in during this time that was more addictive, more of a diversion, and more of a vacuum of time that anything else- and that was …the INTERNET….

Wow, it was like a drug, I lost all sense of time…

I was creating pages on MySpace and Facebook- I was looking up old clients and friends- I was reading the postings of the lost, the lonely and the bizarre…

I was adding applications that saved the rain forest- I even dressed up a little virtual dog in a pirate hat to donate money for animal rescue…I wondered what people were saying about me on "Tagged"…what presents did my friends send me? Who "bought me" as their Pet….lol

Minutes turned into hours. I realized at one point that I hadn't moved for hours..Or eaten lunch…or gone to the bathroom for that matter… I was in a vortex of illusion….

As a Pisces, this was Nirvana!!!

I am sending this blog with a Question and a Request…

How many hours do you spend diverting your life with the internet, or other things that divert your time?

Do you reach out in the community to volunteer or do random acts of kindness?

Do you belong to any groups where you have to leave the house and meet with people in person?

Can you talk to strangers while you are out and about- saying hello and how are you?

If you answered no to any of these- turn off the computer and go find something else to do..

Look for your purpose- Be of service to the less fortunate- Visit someone in a nursing home- Deliver meals to shut ins…Invite a friend to volunteer with you…Run an errand for the elderly… Volunteer at the local animal shelter.. Walk a dog for someone who can't get out…

And before you know it- you will have made new and real friends- and reconnected with your old ones in a more purpose filled way!

But for God's sake... and your own- discover the world outside your door….

Actively yours,
