are always going to be people and things that cut you off on the
highway of life.. but how you maneuver and respond makes all the
difference...- Marianne Goldweber
This quote was inspired by a car adccident the other day. I was driving along- listening to the radio, the sun was out when all of the sudden- I saw an accident about to happen. I check the rear, tried to maneuver around it, but one of the drivers cut in front of me and I when I tried to maneuver away we collided anyway.
After the initial shock and aftermath I had some quiet tome to reflect on that situation and how it pertains to Life.
Many times, we see the situation coming- but we can only prepare so much and there are going to be times that no matter how much we prepare- things are not up to us. There are others involved and we can never anticipate how they are going to respond in the same situation. The outcome is now out of our control and we are left with the impact and the cleanup.
Had I not been careful and alert; armed with many years of driving and past experiences- this could have been much worse. So the lesson here is; You can only be adequately prepared for the unknown- how everyone will respond in life's situations will affect us- but there is great purpose and learning in each and every one for us and everyone else. :)