Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks
Creator of all there is
who's beauty surrounds me-
thank you

I am grateful
for the innumerable opportunities  you have presented to me
through your grace.
Thank you for the faith to accept those opportunites and serve with joy.

I am grateful for the amazing souls that have joined me on this journey-
those who have been called to serve and those who come in need.
I am grateful for their kindness, patience and trust.

I am grateful for  those who know me best-
my guides and ancestors-
who's love and understanding guide me through the darkness and light
in my human journey.

I am grateful for my human family-
the source through which I became.
My parents, siblings neices and nephews,
who remind me of  my past and support me in the present.
Reminding me of my roots, where I came from
and who helped make me the person I am.

I am grateful for my son- the living arrow that I will send into the the future,
who's unconditional love has Taught me compassion, trust and love
He has taught me to grow and mature.

For these and so many other things I am grateful.