Thursday, December 6, 2007

What will you do?

When you embrace a spiritual path, the little happenings in life begin to take on a deeper meaning.
Once you embrace the idea that everything is happening for a reason- that there are no coincidences - it is hard to be a victim- or resent these life challenges when we see them as opportunities to grow or evolve or to gain another perception.
I used to use the word 'weird' to explain  these things- but realized it's not weird- but very interesting..
My son has even come to use the word 'interesting' to explain  these moments...
But whatever term you use it all means the same- unexplainable miraculous occurrences that make me think and gain a new awareness.
Which brings me to understand; that in these moments we are being called to make a choice- to act or not. More and more as I accept my place as leader, teacher and elder- I see there is no one other than me to act in any given moment that which is being presented to me.
So with that said-  Heed the call- do what is right- there is no one that can do it as well as you in that moment- but will you respond????
Here is the thought for the day-
If you were invited to a banquet and had to bring your own meal- and you brought a steak with baked potatoes and asparagus with Boston cream pie for desert.
Joining you at that table were a sampling of the human diversity from your community.
Across from you was a mother with children who had nothing to bring- how much would you enjoy your meal without sharing it?
Marianne Goldweber