Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Wiggle room

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we were discussing clear communication…(or the lack there of)

He said for him, not being clear leaves “wiggle room”……room for using that as an out- an out that covers his proverbial butt- it also prevents him from being accountable.and reinforces procrastination.. but (lol) this foggy way of communicating does more than that- it ultimately creates more drama, more explanation and future mistrust.

It is a lot more work than just speaking our truth with integrity- clarity and love.

What I discovered for myself was; Lack of clarity leaves room for disappointment, mistrust and misunderstanding- then the internal judge uses that to fill our hearts with guilt, separateness and isolation..

No one is clear- everyone uses “wiggle room” for many reasons; to prevent hurt feelings, to prevent truly committing, to say “that's not what I meant”… to avoid criticism..the list is endless…

When we are clear- it creates impeccability of word- it shows maturity and responsibility- it forces us to be accountable.- it sends a definite message to the Universe and others of trust and love…

Most people do not say what they mean- some never say what they are really thinking- and therefore WE HAVE to be clear- because even then, people will still hear what they want- no matter how clear we are…

Speaking clearly creates peace.

How much “wiggle room” do you leave in the way you communicate?

Here is the thought for the day-

“1st Agreement: Be impeccable with your word.
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip with others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”

~ Don Miguel Ruiz
from The Four Agreements
