Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spiritual accountability- the key to freedom

We are groomed from birth to feel  pain, pleasure, disappointment, success, guilt,  and a myriad of emotions. However- as psychic spiritual beings- we are not taught how to separate the feelings or emotion of others from our own.

For most of us, culture and  spirituality are very separate. Unlike  most indigenous cultures, where the relationship from  Creator to man is not separate; that they co-exist with the Divine.  This teaching includes  a  great responsibility to themselves, the children  and communities to stay on the Good Red Road;  to serve selflessly and care for their brothers and sisters be they  human, animal, plant or stone.

Lives of honor, truth and accountability to defend our planet- our Mother. Their thoughts and actions  leading the way. Remembering that any negative experience that they have,  has been created for growth- not as a punishment, but as an event to gather knowledge and  use to evolve to a place of wisdom. Through those teaching, they become  the wizened  example of a committed life.

Now, in our  western culture there are few leaders, that we hear of  regularly, who can fit into that category. The leaders that we hold  above and emulate are famous; however, not for the most  honorable reasons. They are entertainers, or politicians, or  recognizable because they are willing to put their dysfunctional lives on public display for money.  Material wealth- not character, gives them a higher status of respect and reverence.

This is a culture of blame- not ownership. It's always someones fault for the suffering.- the victimization that  permeates this negative culture. So instead of becoming a leader- we seek out diversions to escape a painful, uninspired existence. We numb ourselves with  anything that will take us away from  the truth  of our lives for a while. We use alcohol, drugs, antidepressants and other pharmaceuticals, shopping,  technology, television and video games.

In order to keep the illusion going, we must work  grueling  jobs we hate, for people who remind us that we are expendable. Just so we can  buy more stuff, or pay for the stuff we bought- while our children are in  day cares with strangers.

Where are the Heroes, the Elders, the Wise ones?

We are the future- what we feel in our depression is the pain of our  changing world. The chaos and drama of others. Until we clear our own  life and home,  and create peace- we will not be able to understand and defend ourselves against the assault of negativity that surrounds us.

We must first decompress-  and assess where we are, what we want and what is truly important in our lives. To (possibly for the first time) look at who we are authentically, not who we have been told to be. We must stop and gather our thoughts and  take a  clear look at what we have created while we were diverted- or asleep. It is in that stillness  that the Divine speaks. The loving,  higher knowing,  reminds us of  the better way.

As we awaken- and make changes, it becomes easier to know what makes us feel good, loved and peaceful. We can then  come to see the source of what does not. It's then, that we can choose to  create purpose filled lives, and begin to set boundaries to the fear and  unhappiness of others.

You are the hero, you are  the one you've been waiting for. :)

Be the change you wish to see- and you will find that the world is not as bad as it seems. There is Hope, Love and Joy. You will meet others,  just like you that had the courage to lead.
Then the ripple will be created.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Independence Day

I woke up today, thinking about Independence and Patriotism. they are both  interesting words, meaning;

Independence-freedom from the control, influence, support and aid of others. 
Patriot-a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.

a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government.
I was reflecting on how the United States wanted their independence from England- that  they wanted the  freedom to self govern. I was thinking about all the people who saw this country as a place where they could be free to think for themselves, to make money by creating their own business, to take care of their families, to believe what they wanted and to escape from persecution. 
Some of our inhabitants were not here willingly, but enslaved and eventually earned their freedom. I think about the Native peoples of this country, and every country- the First Peoples- our Native American brothers, who have had to relinquish their freedom in order for us to have ours; who still suffer today.

I thought about the courage and challenge and effort it took to be Self Governing, and to stand in that truth amidst the criticism of the naysayers, critics and large powers who sabotaged that  fight for Freedom at every turn.
I see the result of that Dream of our ancestors, and ask- would they be proud of what we've become?

I saw a commentary by Tony Blair on what makes America great- and I have to say that it inspired me as a Patriot. I don't always agree with  our politics, or  the decisions our government  makes- but I do believe that by having the Freedom to not agree; I am blessed to live in a place that allows me to do that. 
It is through the hard work- determination of  every immigrant that made this country what is is  and through the kindness and tolerance of our Native peoples, that I have these freedoms today.
I am inspired to  see tomorrow as my own Independence day- to be free from the tyranny of  the greatest enemy- myself and seek to  be self governing- disciplined and  raise my flag in truth, integrity and faith. 
I will strive to be courageous and blaze my own trail .
I will seek to be independent and pull my own load. 
I will not burden another with my lack of accountability.
I will defend that independence and be a beacon of it in  this world.
I will be an expression of my Faith.
I am proud to be an American and a Patriot- and Our United States,  like any family it has it's quirky bits- but we love each other and will do whatever it takes to defend it and  keep it together.
That is what makes us great. :)