Thursday, July 28, 2005

Is free will really free?

Happy Thursday!

In our every day existence, without even realizing it, we are interacting and influencing other paths and existence's.

It is very important, that we understand how much influence we have on others, so that we can catch ourselves, giving our opinion, butting in, influencing another's decision with our will.

Each one of us has a way in which we do things. 

We have goals and a vision.
When someone else, even with the best of intentions, comes along and interrupts that process, it causes confusion, and the direction and energy is lost. 

We begin to doubt our decisions, and go off course, sometimes, permanently. Sometimes for a lifetime.

She is going to hate this, but this is a small example.
(I love you!)

My sister and I were going somewhere. she went to the car, and I was locking up the house. I got my planner, my keys, checked the stove, went for my purse and it was not there.
I got a little panicked. (I must say!) I looked all over the house, even in the bathroom, I was starting to doubt that I even brought it home, I must have left it somewhere on my errands that day. I was making a mental list of where I had been, I was actually sweating.
My sister came back in, wondering where I was, seeing my frenzy, she says, what's wrong?
I said, I lost my purse! 

She said, no you didn't I put it in the car for you..................

She was just being helpful.

But how many times are we just trying to be helpful, without realizing, that there is a method to everyone's madness. Just not the same madness that you comfortably (or not) exist in.

It causes others to doubt their own process and it disrupts their routine.

Even when someone asks for our help, we need to be helpful and not take them off their direction, even if we would not agree or do it in the same way.

Someone asking for help does not give us permission to give them our opinion, insight, input as well.
We have a responsibly to use our will to alter no other course than our own.

We are more powerful than we know.

Use that power to make changes in Your life

Here is the Thought for the day!

We don't always know what makes us happy. We know, instead, what we think should. We are baffled and confused when our attempts at happiness fail... We are mute when it comes to naming accurately our own preferences, delights, gifts, talents. The voice of our original self if often muffled, overwhelmed, even strangled, by the voices of other people's expectations. The tongue of the original self is the language of the heart.

Author: Julie Cameron
Source: The Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart by Julia Cameron
Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rumi- Poet and Prophet

Greetings everyone!! Happy Tuesday!  

I want this blog to enlighten as well as inspire. I will usually highlight with a hyperlink interesting things we discuss in order to take you on a journey of discovery.  

With that said, one of the most fascinating people to me has been the Persian poet Rumi.  

There have been great thinkers, visionaries and Spiritualists throughout time.

This is not a new way of thinking, we are just being enlightened to new ideas and thought.

Step outside the fence line, explore your world, it is not just your backyard.   Poems by Rumi       

 I am part of the load
Not rightly balanced
I drop off in the grass,
like the old Cave-sleepers,
to browse wherever I fall.

For hundreds of thousands of years I have been dust-grains
floating and flying in the will of the air,
often forgetting ever being in that state, but in sleep I migrate back.

I spring loosefrom the four-branched, time -and-space cross,
this waiting room.

I walk into a huge pasture
I nurse the milk of millennia

Everyone does this in different ways.
Knowing that conscious decisions and personal memory
are much too small a place to live,
every human being streams at night
into the loving nowhere, or during the day,
in some absorbing work.


Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Monday, July 25, 2005

The Universal Family

Good Morning!! Happy Monday!  

The Source, Creator, God, Goddess.....  

Many names, but whatever the path that speaks to you, the same light  is in everyone.  

You and I, the homeless man on the corner, the single Mother, the bank executive, the bag boy at the grocery.The elderly Widow across the street. The teenagers in the street.  

All with the same blood flowing in our veins.   

All with dreams, hopes, sorrows.  

All looking for Peace, Love, Acceptance.  

So whatever your path, allow it to unite you in unconditional Love to the Universal Family.

Here is the thought for the day!

Let us pray to the One who holds us in the hollow of
  His hands, 
To the One who holds us in the curve of Her arms, 
To the One whose flesh is the flesh of hills and  
  hummingbirds and angleworms, 
Whose skin is the color of an old Black woman and 
  a young white man; and the color of the leopard 
  and the grizzly bear and the green grass snake, 
Whose hair is like the aurora borealis, rainbows,
  nebulae, waterfalls, and a spider's web, 
Whose eyes sometime shine like the Evening Star,
  and then like fireflies, and then again like an 
  open wound, 
Whose touch is both the touch of life and the touch
  of death, 
And whose name is everyone's, but mostly mine. 
And what shall we pray? 
Let us say, "thank you."

Max Coots
Minister Emeritus of the Canton,N.Y. 
Unitarian Universalist Church

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Thursday, July 21, 2005

What the $##%^# do we know?

Good Morning, Happy Thursday!  

Good Morning!! I finally saw, the movie "What the bleep do we know" and what I gained from it was a new perception.We are in this (life) for the experience, that we are just observers, gathering information.  

The confirmation that; This existence is an illusion, and every single thing that is happening to you is because you are causing it.  

We must "believe" that everything is possible, with the core of our being, that fear and doubt ground us to the humanness that is this existence. That we can transcend this and create exactly what we "believe".  

We are Spirit, Energy, and we are only limited by our mind.  

With that said, as you look around you, what is it that you have created, and since you can change it at will, where would you like to be?  

Here is the thought for the day;  

Sister, there were people who went to sleep last night, poor and rich and white and black, but they will never wake again.  And those dead folks would give anything at all for just five minutes of this weather or ten minutes of plowing. So you watch yourself about complaining. What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

Maya Angelou, (Quoting Her Grandmother)
Quotes  Books  Websites

You cannot be truthful if you are not courageous.
You cannot be loving if you are not courageous.
You cannot be trusting if you are not courageous.
You cannot enter into reality if you are not courageous.
Hence courage comes first... and everything else follows.

Quotes  Books  Websites
  Marianne Goldweber Walking the Red Road

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Celebrating coming of age

Good Morning!!!  

 We are in the full moon, so for those of you who are new, go to the web log and look up full moon entries. The Miscommunications with Mercury going retrograde have begun, plus the full moon is making for some emotionally charged miscommunications!! Remember to be ULTRA clear in your dialogs for the next three weeks, beginning July 23...  

Life is filled with Transition, and how we approach them makes all the difference in the world.  

Take for instance our going from child to young adult.  

Remembering our own coming of age stories offer us an opportunity to see how being informed, guided, supported and nurtured during this time of life changes our perception of ourselves, our bodies and our gender for a lifetime.  

 Gently entering this new phase, long before the actual events surfaced, allows parts of our childhood to be released.

It prepares us, not shocks us, into the reality of change.  

 Embracing the new responsibilities of what it means to be a young woman, or a young man, means understanding the sacredness and ownership that is required from us, and the sacredness and differences between us.  

Many of us were under informed, misinformed, ashamed, anxious, or alone during this stage....

Our elders were ill prepared to deliver us into our changes, depending on their upbringing.  

We were ashamed of the changes, the natural evolution of our bodies, rather than being excited and honored to begin a new chapter in life.  

So much is assumed, there is little honest open dialog because we are not comfortable with our own bodies, or the cycles that make up our existence.  

In order to honestly communicate the beauty that separates the genders, the purposefulness of these rhythms of life, we must learn to celebrate our own, honor our own, become informed about our own.  

 These are times of creating rituals or Rites of Passage, not to only celebrate the new initiate into the group, but to honor and remember our own place in the web, and celebrate the joys that each phase bring...  

Knowing that others who have gone before you are there to share, celebrate and instruct..That we are not alone....  

We would love to hear your coming of age stories. Post them to the blog Walking the Red Road .  

 I can help you develop a personal coming of age, or other life transition ritual. Contact me for more information.    

Here is the Thought for the Day!  

The butterfly becomes only when it's entirely ready.

Chinese proverb


Marianne Goldweber

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Self Love

Good Morning! If you were your own best friend, what advise would you give?  

Let's live today in the third person, in order to give us a new point of view on ourselves.

What observations would we make?  

 Look for the beauty in our "friend" and let them know. 

When we Walk in Beauty, the Universe reveals to us all that is Beautiful. Apologize for past cruelty, and criticism.  

In order to heal relationships, the relationship with ourself must first be healed.  

If we cannot learn to speak to ourselves with Unconditional Love, we will learn to tolerate bad treatment from others.  

Here is the thought for the day!    

 If we could learn to like ourselves, even a little, maybe our cruelties and angers might melt away.

Author: John Steinbeck  

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Friday, July 15, 2005


Faith.....Most of us would like to believe we have Faith, that we believe that he higher order directs the current.  

Sometimes, difficulties create a conflict with our willful human self.   This conflict within tests our "Faith" and places us in a dilemma of reacting in order to manipulate a desired outcome.  

It is important to see that these conflicts are  not manifested  to just get "through".  

There are lessons and messages about our growth, hidden in every one.  

Faith is knowing and trusting that there is a purpose to it all.  

Going within; asking for guidance, and allowing the process of Faith to gently guide us to a higher solution.   

In most cases, just knowing that the higher purpose is what is best, takes the drama and angst out of our conflicts.  

It allows us to look at these situations more objectively, without all of the fever of Anger, Guilt and Rage. We don't take it so personally.  

These conflicts are a personal test that we orchestrated before we even entered this life.  

 Just for the lessons.  

Faith can remove us from the chains of slavery that bind us, because when we choose to Believe, Fear and Suffering disappear.  

Regardless of your Spiritual path, all of them require Faith in the Source, centering of the Self, and Trust that everything is as it should be.  

It sure makes Life more Peaceful.  

Here is the thought for the day!!  

Lord, I don't ask for a faith that would move yonder mountain.

I can take enough dynamite and move it, if it needs movin'.

I pray, Lord, for enough faith to move me.

Norman Allen

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Celebrating where we have been

Greetings everyone Happy Thursday,  

There are many times we wish and wonder why we don't make the progress in this existence that we think we deserve...  

In allowing ourselves to gain a higher perspective, like that of Hawk; we are asked to look down and see how we walk our walk from an observers point of view....

Then appreciate how far we have come and the lessons learned.  

 Sometimes, we are forcing the pace that we travel, rather than allowing the current of the river to carry us... In such a hurry to "get there" only to find, there is no "there".

It is a constant journey to which there really is no destination, just stops along the way.  

And in our pushing, we become frustrated and loose our objectivity, missing the signs that have been posted along the way...or more importantly, miss our exit, or turn off...  

Allowing life to unfold, listening, reflecting on where we have been, being joyous and excited about where we are going allows us to celebrate our existence, to celebrate our growth through rites of passage.  

Maybe it's time to create a ceremony to celebrate your rites of passage.  

 In this time of Coyote, allow yourself to see where you may be tricking yourself.  Allow humor and joy to allow you to laugh at yourself and move forward.  

Celebrate life. Reflect, but don't dwell on the past. 

Be present and love the moment, and get excited about the future.   

Who knows what lies around the next bend.... :)  

Here is the thought for the day!!!    

 I'll paint you a rainbow to hang on the wall,
to brighten your heart when the gray shadows fall.

On a canvas of joy outlasting the years,
with a soft brush of sweetness to dry all your tears.

I'll paint you a rainbow with colors of smiles
That glow with sincerity over the miles.

On a palette of words I will tenderly blend
Tones into treasures of sunlight and wind.

I'll paint you a rainbow that reaches so wide,
Your sights and your sorrows will vanish inside,

And deep in the center of each different hue,

A memory fashioned especially for you.

So lift up your eyes, for suspended above,
A rainbow designed by the fingers of love...

"I'll Paint You A Rainbow," by Grace E. Easley

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Every dark cloud has a silver lining


Happy Wednesday!!!

Circumstances that seem disastrous, hold in their Divine Mystery, outcomes that surely can only be seen as blessings...

Today, allow yourselves the opportunity to use Remembering to take you to your own tempests, and see them for the silent blessings they have brought.


There will be storms, child
And with each tempest
You will seem to stand alone
Against cruel winds

But with time, the rage and fury
Shall subside
And when the sky clears
You will find yourself
Clinging to someone
You would have never known
But for storms.

  by Margie DeMerell

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Visions and Daydreams

Where do we go when we daydream.......  

As a child, I learned to "let myself go" and spent a lot of time in a daydream state. I call it my "Happy Place" ... it drove my family crazy...  

What I found out as I worked to develop my intuitive abilities was that;  this is the place where visions occur, that the "daydream" is the vision, the connection with the Universe, where the pictures we see and the things we perceive are messages for us to unravel...  

 I can have a conversation there with Creator, guides, relatives and ancestors, and use that information for my growth....  

Through practice, I can now do this for others, who are unable to do this for themselves...  

We all have this ability. We are all getting messages this way, but we discount them as simple daydreams, we do not purposefully go there in meditation in order to "hear" what we need to know...

We do not trust them to be the truth.  

The Universe waits patiently for us to come to this ourselves, or sneaks the messages to our higher selves by putting the waking us in a dream state...

Sometimes, you meet someone like me who gets the message to you...   Lets practice being still and dreaming the answers to our Journey...   I would love to hear your thoughts...    

Here is the thought for the day!!  

A community service reminder ... from the Universe:

Your gifts are innumerable.
Your insights are profound.
Your choices are endless.
Your touch is healing.
Your thoughts become things.
Your power is indescribable.
And you are loved and adored, on moment to moment basis,
more than you can now understand.

Mike Dooley

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Monday, July 11, 2005

Finding our dreams without fear

Greetings!!  Happy Monday;  

Mercury will begin it's retrograde July 23, however, we are going to begin feeling it this week, as it approaches, for further info go to Mercury retrograde.    

What dream do you leave unfufilled because of fear of suffering?

  Here is the Thought for the day;

"My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer," the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky.
"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity."
Paulo Coelho, from his book "The Alchemist" 

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Friday, July 8, 2005

Finding Truth in the Lies we tell ourselves.


There area many difficulties on this Earthwalk, most of them have to do with coming to the Truth; the painfulness of the Truth as we emerge from the lies that we tell ourselves.  

We are set into these illusions from birth, the Tooth fairy, Santa Claus, The Easter bunny. We continue to set up fantasies because life could not be Magical enough the way it is...

Remenber how you felt when you found out it was a lie....  

My Son and I were having a discussion about secets, and lies, when he said; "Well Mom, tell me about Santa Claus, is that a lie?"

"Yes", I said, and  then I proceeded to "come clean" on all of these things, (the Tooth fairy, Easter bunny etc) 

He asked why we do that?  I said, "Well, parents just want you to believe in Magic." 

He said, "Mom, you show me that Magic happens every day" .....

How can we tell our children not to lie, when they cannot trust us to tell them the truth, always.

It took some time for me to redeem myself in his eyes. I never want to feel like that again.  

But, what of the fantasies that we continue to perpetuate, because we do not want to feel the pain of the realization that we have been duped?  Or we have duped someone else? That we have duped ourselves?

Thus begins the struggle...  

Instead of admitting our place and financial limitation, we live on the false security of extended credit. Rather that love and honor what and where we are, and live within our means..

We need to trust that we will receive abundance from the Universe, see the Magic that is already afoot in our lives with out creating false hopes..

Seeing the Magic of messages and messengers.

The ability to have Faith, ask for Guidance, and Listening patiently for the answer.  

If we look at life in the clarity of the Sun, Illuminating the shadows, life begins to be Peaceful, and we begin to live Free, walking in Beauty and Truth and make our Dreams come true..    

Here is the Thought for the day;  

One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon-instead of enjoying the roses blooming outside our windows today.

Dale Carnegie


Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Thursday, July 7, 2005

Loving all Things

Good Morning!!! Happy Thursday!!  

This month will be allowing ourselves to Love All Things, and receive that love in turn unconditionally.  

 So many times, we withhold the best parts of who we are in out of fear.   Fear of judgment, of abandonment, of jealousy, mistrust. Then, because of this behavior, those things come to be ...  

Most of these feelings have manifested from another time, other people and experiences, and we continue to carry this knowledge into every other relationship, or encounter that we have.  

Even in the way we treat our Sacred space, our Environment, Ourselves; punishing, instead of Loving.  

Then we wonder why all our relationships turn out the same? Is it those we are in relationships with?  

Or..... could it be that it is us, predicting and presuming, and making it happen?  

In this time of self reflection, leave these experiences with the past...   Give honor to what we have now, for what it is. Give unconditionally of the self.  

 Write a letter, take ownership, forgive the self and others. Put your letter in a fire pit, watch it be consumed and allow Creator and the Universe to take this burden, and allow Love into your life.  

For if we do this without reservation, we will see that Love and Happiness are already there, we are now willing to accept it with an open heart.

  Here is the thought for the day!  

To Believe is to know that every day is a new beginning.
It is to trust that miracles happen,and dreams really do come true.

To Believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds,
To know the wonder of a stardust sky
And the wisdom of the man in the moon.

To Believe is to know the value of a nurturing heart,
The innocence of a child's eyes
and the beauty of an aging hand,
For it is through their teachings we learn to love.

To Believe is to find the strength and courage that lies within us.
When it is time to pick up the pieces and begin again.

To Believe is to know we are not alone,
That life is a gift and this is our time to cherish it.

To Believe is to know that wonderful surprises
are  just waiting to happen, And all our hopes and dreams are within reach.

If only we Believe.

Author Unknown But Greatly Appreciated!

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road

Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Welcome to the Good Red Road

Good Morning!!

Here is a reminder of why I am doing the Thought of the day!! Please visit the web Journal link and comment on any of the daily entries. The purpose is this journal is to be a place of sharing and growth, and if you have any questions, feel free to email or call me directly!!!

Welcome...This journey we are on is just a speck in the hourglass of time..... Many indigineous peoples describe it as the The Good Red Road, the Earthwalk.

My intent with this journal is to help you find your inner voice, the one that is drowned out by the chaos of living that keeps us from hearing that wisdom we were born remind you that all your Spirit wants is peace and love. Thats is that simple.

Spirit brought you to this place in time, as we meet on the Red Road, two Souls on a journey, to sit and chat before moving on.

This journey I chose, for it challanges, struggles, conquests, lessons. Each of us, a part of the whole, each a piece of each other. A Mirror for each other. Each of us an example to reflect back to the self.

This is not about changing others, this is about changing the self, and when we do that, we can then honor others at all phases of their journey, like children, all in different phases of learning.... All a reflection of some part of you.... and we don't take it so personally.

So, Welcome.... This page may make you think, unravel your "stuff",  make you laugh, find forgiveness, forgive, let go, de-clutter, get angry, let anger go, remove the mask of who you have been told to be, and finally look in the mirror and be happy with who you are, the natural you.  Then, you will be able to be still, and hear the guidance that we all came here with. 

All the answers lie within.

Namaste,(I bow to the Godlight in you, that is also in me)
Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road
Marianne Goldweber

    ....I feel as if I had found a refreshing spring. Thank you for this place of sharing.

    Comment from
    johampton6766 - 4/2/05 4:11 PM

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Celebrating lifes victories!

Good Morning! Feel free to respond to any of these messages on the web log! I love the encouraging thoughts, your responses could help others who are reading the blog.

Well, here we are in the New Moon. Now is the time to accept with the barrenness of today, to begin to create new hopes and dreams for the coming month.  

 It is also a time to reflect on how far we have come, celebrate our progress.

For some of us, it is as simple as going to a restaurant alone. For others, it is as complicated as releasing ourselves from the past.  

Regardless of the size of the accomplishment, anytime we are moving forward, stepping over obstacles, we need to give our selves a round of applause..  

It is a celebration. It means that we have moved beyond our fear to make progress, to be free, liberated and independent from the ball and chain of doubt.  


Today, take the time to see the progress you have made, and make plans to make more strides in your personal path.

  Here is the thought for the day!!  

 The only conquests which are permanent

and leave no regrets are our conquests over ourselves.    

 Napoleon Bonaparte  

Marianne Goldweber
Here is the web page:
Here is a link to my journal page: Walking the Red Road